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Handbook of Spirituality and Worldview in Clinical Practice product page

Handbook of Spirituality and Worldview in Clinical Practice

Edited by Allan M. Josephson, M.D., and John R. Peteet, M.D. 2004
Culture and Psychotherapy product page

Culture and Psychotherapy

A Guide to Clinical Practice Edited by Wen-Shing Tseng, M.D., and Jon Streltzer, M.D. 2001
Ethics, Culture, and Psychiatry product page

Ethics, Culture, and Psychiatry

International Perspectives Edited by Ahmed Okasha, Julio Arboleda-Florez, and Norman Sartorius, M.D., Ph.D. 2000
ICD-10 Casebook product page

ICD-10 Casebook

The Many Faces of Mental Disorders--Adult Case Histories According to ICD-10 T. B. Ustun, M.D. 1996
Pocket Guide to the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders product page

Pocket Guide to the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders

With Glossary and Diagnostic Criteria for Research J.E. Cooper 1994
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