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APA Publishing Mobile Apps

APA Publishing Mobile Apps

Mobile apps available for purchase on Android and iOS are available from APA Publishing to help you in your practice.

Results for "DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria mobile app"

1 - 12 of 481 products

DSM-5-TR® Pocket Guide for Child and Adolescent Mental Health page

DSM-5-TR® Pocket Guide for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Nature Therapy page

Nature Therapy

Addiction and the Law page

Addiction and the Law

Social Media and Youth Mental Health page

Social Media and Youth Mental Health

Social Anxiety page

Social Anxiety

Understanding the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) page

Understanding the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5)

DSM-5-TR® Self-Exam Questions page

DSM-5-TR® Self-Exam Questions

Encountering Treatment Resistance page

Encountering Treatment Resistance

Pharmacotherapy for Complex Substance Use Disorders page

Pharmacotherapy for Complex Substance Use Disorders

The SCID-D Interview page

The SCID-D Interview

Understanding Mental Disorders page

Understanding Mental Disorders