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DSM-5-TR® Clinical Cases product page

DSM-5-TR® Clinical Cases

Edited by John W. Barnhill, M.D. 2023
Gabbard's Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments, Second Edition product page

Gabbard's Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments, Second Edition

Edited by Holly Crisp, M.D., and Glen O. Gabbard, M.D. 2023
Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope product page

Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope

Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in Personality Disorders Otto F. Kernberg, M.D. 2023
Psychotherapy in Corrections product page

Psychotherapy in Corrections

A Supportive Approach Peter N. Novalis, M.D., Ph.D., Virginia Singer, DNP, and Carol M. Novalis, M.A. 2023
Study Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Second Edition product page

Study Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Second Edition

A Companion to Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Third Edition Edited by Tapan Parikh, M.D., M.P.H., and Mina K. Dulcan, M.D. 2023
Textbook of Hospital Psychiatry, Second Edition product page

Textbook of Hospital Psychiatry, Second Edition

Edited by Harsh K. Trivedi, M.D., M.B.A., and Steven S. Sharfstein, M.D., M.P.A. 2023
Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership, Third Edition product page

Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership, Third Edition

Edited by Sy Saeed, M.D., M.S., FACPsych, John Lauriello, M.D., and Laura Weiss Roberts, M.D., M.A. 2023
The Psychiatry Resident Handbook product page

The Psychiatry Resident Handbook

How to Thrive in Training Edited by Sallie G. De Golia, M.D., M.P.H., and Raziya Wang, M.D. 2023
The Role of Companion Animals in the Treatment of Mental Disorders product page

The Role of Companion Animals in the Treatment of Mental Disorders

Edited by Nancy R. Gee, Ph.D., Lisa Townsend, LCSW-C, Ph.D., and Robert L. Findling, M.D., M.B.A. 2023
Precision Psychiatry product page

Precision Psychiatry

Using Neuroscience Insights to Inform Personally Tailored, Measurement-Based Care Edited by Leanne M. Williams, Ph.D., and Laura M. Hack, M.D., Ph.D. 2022
Textbook of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Second Edition product page

Textbook of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Second Edition

Edited by Eric Hollander, M.D., Randi Hagerman, M.D., and Casara Ferretti, M.S. 2022
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