Results for "FOCUS questions"

25 - 36 of 289 Results

Handbook of Career Development in Academic Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition page

Handbook of Career Development in Academic Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition

Study Guide to Geriatric Psychiatry page

Study Guide to Geriatric Psychiatry

Motivational Interviewing for Clinical Practice page

Motivational Interviewing for Clinical Practice

Study Guide to Preventive Medical Care in Psychiatry page

Study Guide to Preventive Medical Care in Psychiatry

Managing the Side Effects of Psychotropic Medications, Second Edition page

Managing the Side Effects of Psychotropic Medications, Second Edition

Supervision in Psychiatric Practice page

Supervision in Psychiatric Practice

Study Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry page

Study Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

Safe Passage page

Safe Passage

Learning Supportive Psychotherapy, Second Edition page

Learning Supportive Psychotherapy, Second Edition

Divorce and Co-parenting page

Divorce and Co-parenting

Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, Seventh Edition page

Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, Seventh Edition